Friday, 1 July 2011

Officially Official: I am Exec but not a moment too soon

Yup, it's a studenty post again. So with the beginning of July, Handover at UADSA (and NUS, NUS Scotland, AUSA and pretty much everywhere else) is complete and my tenure as Executive Officer for the Students of Abertay Dundee begins, looking set to be a busy year already though.

If you are a student and pay attention to the news (or follow me), it probably hasn't escaped your detection that the Scottish Government made a decision regarding the future of tuition fee's in Scotland.

In case you haven't I'll sum up, as of 2013 Universities will be free to set fee's anywhere between £1,820 and £9,000. However as promised the Government will continue to pay tuition fee's for Scottish (and EU) students.

Needless to say, myself and the Vice-President Elect of the time Simon Patterson very much agree with NUS Scotland's condemnation of the whole affair. I'm sure those concerned will see a lot more about it in the future so I'll leave at that for now.

But of course, we do have the happier news that as of today Simon Patterson is Vice President officially, as William Mohieddeen takes over as President and, of course, myself and the other Executive Members (Ameen, Laura, Justin, Sarah and Eamonn) form the remainder of the new Executive Committee.

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