Thursday, 5 May 2011

Forgotten is just a state of mind ;)

Ok, It may be obvious but I'll admit it - I forgot about this - made one post realised I didn't like it deleted it and never came back... until now.

Truth is, I'm not much for writing about myself, why on earth would you wanna hear about me anyway? So 9 times out of 10 I'll probably end up reverting to something a little more in my comfort zone - gaming or programming or something.

That said you've missed a helluva lot so a quick catch up can't hurt, so last post was June of 2010 back during the Summer when I was bored as 'eck.

Since then, well I'm back at Uni - that's probably the least surprising thing to have happened in 1 month shy of a year, infact we've just finished year 2 so its all coursework and shenanigans again but everything is looking sooooo sweet now and we've started 3D Programming.

Moving swiftly on there was this hellish week in late October where me and Halley split, I bumped into my sibling on Facebook (which is a blog post in and itself :-o) and then Halley got with one of my then best friends. So yeah that were kinda shit and I went home to mellow out for a week, the highlight of this was that I got to participate in my 2nd ever Firewalk and before you ask, Yes, it is exactly what you are thinking and no it doesn't hurt.. no really it doesn't.

Now the Firewalk is faaaaaaaaaaaar more interesting as I've JUST realised while typing this that I would be in nothing like the place I am today without it, you see the Firewalk was really good for me as ever, I'd personally reccomend it to pretty much anyone... so much so infact that I wanted to bring it to Dundee so with this in the back of my mind I got to work at Uni again then a few weeks later I started getting posts through one of Abertay's feeds - I forget which - about Abertay RAG and how they are looking for ideas for events to run and they want something a bit unique to which I instantly thought FIREWALK woop, so I mentioned it to Abertay RAG (who turned out to be Dee I now realise) and she was instantly equally interested and invited me along to talk about it - I'll cut back on the full story now and say that it unfortunately did not happen, we just couldn't convince anyone to supply us land to set fire too. :(

However this leads on to my chain reaction because now I was socialising with Abertay RAG which at the time mainly consisted of Dee and Sarah sort of leading the show as Student Executives and Lorna, Morag and a few others and I ended up helping out a lot of other RAG Events, Jailbreak included sometime after this started - we're now talking March 2011 (doesn't time fly?) the Student Elections came around, this time last year this didn't interest me and I firmly believe that without the influences of Morag, Dee and Attila I wouldn't have been convinced this year either - but I'd seen first hand the Executive working and knew all about some of the things they do behind the scenes and I LOVED the idea of doing it, I mean I'm not talking about the Events or the fact I could write it on my CV, things like organising trips to the Fee's Protests in London and such and trying to help students - it just sounds so FUN, so I ended up running for the Student Executive all very official like with my manifesto and poster and so little time to do so much.

I must say for the longest time I was convinced I was the weakest candidate, I was running against Sarah and Eamonn (both current exec's teaming up to re-run), Justin and Laura (3rd year Business Students with Society running experience) and Ameen and Connel (1st years but with a seemingly large circles of friends) and here I am with no regular group of friends that I talk too everyday and my main support group being the AMG students who are literally notorious for not getting involved in University affairs. Not that this matters - if you know me, which you quite possibly don't - I don't know how to give less than 100% so I dived in coating the University and Union in posters, putting leaflets down anywhere they'd get noticed and regularly replacing ones that were taken and talking to students as much as possible and it started to show - when it came round to the first polling day I was doing what was then a habit of putting flyers down on the table in Bar One just a bit before lunch, when I put one at a table that was already being used the group took one look at it and mentioned they'd already voted for me. I still was far from confident - although not nervous either, you have to understand that their was no outcome I'd be unsatisfied with except no one voting - but this was to be a very strong sign of the times.

So fast forward a couple more days and its Election Results day - oh wait, I missed by birthday.. yeah that happened too - anyway Election Results day and Mr Bill Blackstock, our absolutely fantastic Student Centre Manager (and that's not sucking up, you guys have no idea how much good he does for ya) rattles through the Exec nice and quick like and 2nd or 3rd from top up pops my name, which was absolutely fantastic no denying though perhaps Morag got a little too excited... After reading them all out he very nicely confirmed I also received the most votes so yeah thats a plus too (apparently it came out 123 votes for me with the closest opposition ~80.) Then the Vice President and well yeah that unsurprisingly was Simon, being the only candidate running sure takes the excitement out of an election and finally the President - everything had went swimmingly so far but the Executive candidates all had a favourite out of the Presidential candidates in Attila (Sorry Mocko if you're reading this - it's no insult to you) and as Bill announced William was the new President Elect the room fell into what, in retrospect, was the most awkward silence you could imagine.

So there you have it almost one year on and another year of what will hopefully be good grades and I'm now 1 of the 6 Student Executives - didn't see that coming did you? ;)

Other than that I'm afraid I'm running low on personal stuff - I'm a very balanced individual and without a partner to knock me out of kelter I'm unlikely to have much to write about. haha

Tis been fun anyway and CONGRATS for reading to the end (assuming you didn't cheat)... yeah so... quick catch didn't quite go to plan..


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